Emojis are cute and share our emotional state with those we interact with online or via mobile. Who’d have thought these tiny yellow faces would be a theme for a party? But kids and adults alike are searching for emoji party ideas so they can hold a fun party celebrating all faces of the emoji. I’ve sourced some really cool emoji party ideas which may inspire your next party theme.

Rather that go overboard with yellow table cloths and party décor, use a white background and tablecloth so the emoji icons stand out.

Use emoji pillows and balloons to decorate the party table. These can be purchased from discount stores, like Stacks, in Australia.

Scatter emoji cushions and painted yellow dot rocks in the middle of the party dining table.

Get kids to make their own emoji icon by using yellow paper plates and cut up biscuits and lollies for the facial features.

Marshmallow Cake Pops are an easy food idea and require some icing skills to sketch the emoji faces.

Draw faces on yellow macaroons to make your very own sweet emoji. These can double up as party favours.

Top yellow cupcakes with emoji cake toppers.

Make chocolate whip cupcakes and add eyes for the chocolate ice-cream icon… or is it meant to represent poo?

Personalise party favour lolly bags with hashtags and emoji faces.

For a simple cake idea, group a selection of emoji faces on skewers to make the ultimate cake topper.

Do you use emoji icons when communicating with friends via phone or the net? Ever though to use it as a theme for a party?